Node JS -hours
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser. Node.js lets developers use JavaScript to write command line tools and for server-side scripting—running scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user’s web browser.
Chapter 1 : Introduction to Node JS
- Introduction
- What is Node JS?
- Advantages of Node JS
- Traditional Web Server Model
- Node.js Process Model
Chapter 2 : Setup Dev Environment
- Install Node.js on Windows
- Working on REPL
- Node JS Console
Chapter 3 : Node JS Modules
- Functions
- Buffer
- Module
- Module Types
- Core Modules
- Local Modules
- Module.Exports
Chapter 4 : Node Package Manager
- What is NPM
- Installing Packages Locally
- Adding dependency in package.json
- Installing packages globally
- Updating packages
Chapter 5 : Creating Web Server
- Creating web server
- Handling http requests
- Sending request
Chapter 6 : File System
- Fs.readFile
- Writing a File
- Writing a file asynchronously
- Opening a file
- Deleting a file
- Other IO Operations
Chapter 7 : Debugging Node JS Application
- Core Node JS debugger
- Debugging with Visual Studio
Chapter 8 : Events
- EventEmitter Class
- Returning event emitter
- Inhering events
Chapter 9 : Express.JS
- Configuring routes
- Working with express
Chapter 10 : Serving Static Resources
- Serving static files
- Working with middleware
Chapter 11 : Database Connectivity
- Connection string
- Configuring
- Working with select command
- Updating records
- Deleting records
Chapter 12 : Template Engines
- Why Template Engine
- What is Jade
- What is vash
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